Monday, September 15, 2008


I am so grateful for the safety my family had through the storm, We are so blessed to have the council to be prepared, I have more comfort knowing I will have the nesicites for when hard times come, and espically thankful for the friends that helped out durring the power outage, Thanks! I am also grateful to have had friends come stay with us in order to get away from the storm. I am happy to be able to help someone else in times of trouble. I am also able to appreciate the comort I have, and to know how lucky I am to be able to stay in my own home. To see a family that packed their things and left their home not knowing when they can return or what they may come home to, and being blessed with their help in our home when they're the ones in hard times has been a wonderful example. We had two trees fall, Matt and Scott took care of them right away, they are awesome!! And our power was out for a little longer than 24, so with a septic system it was great fun with the 10 people we had here. Thanks again to those who called to check in on us and those who provided when we were in need!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Birthday was Great!!

Well I am 27 now :) I had a great birthday! My friends had a surprise birthday party for me. Amy invited me over to scrapbook (which I really need to catch up on), so I loaded all my stuff up and went over (dressd totally approiate for sitting down behind a table!). when I got there Tiffany and Sharron were getting there, she said she was there to S.B. too but she wasn't bringing any of her pictures in (she said she wanted to make sure it was the right house first...) we go in and the tables are all set up for a super cute lunchon in celebration for me and my birthday!! There were yellow flowers in little vases all along the table, The food was super good> the birthday cupcakes were various sizes and there were white and milk chocolate truffels that were soo good. I was sung to and had a candle to blow out, I even got presents, I felt so special; I haven't had a party for me since I was younger. Thankyou to every one who was there and for makng my birthday one to remember!! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Money lovin' Maddox

Maddox was being so quiet in the office and so I knew something was

up, logan would unload the printer paper, NOT MADDOX he goes for the good stuff and picks out the best of the bunch.

Darth & Skywalker!!

Logan is loving his brother and how much fun he has become! but Maddox is the second so he is a little tougher so logan better watch out he is small but mighty! They're so fun to watch!

Logan's first day of school!

Logan has been so excited to start schoool, he had so much fun! he loves his new teacher Miss Beverly.

Making cookies

Maddox has been getting so big, he is also figuring out where all the good stuff is kept. I made some cookies and left the room while they were baking, ( the mixer is unpluged!! )

and he pushed a chair over to the counter and climbed up to help himself!!