Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pa-Sketti & Meatballs

Maddox Loves Noodles!! He has really gotten very independent at the table, he can barely climb into his chair but as soon as he gets there he folds his arms ready for a prayer, and is then ready to feed himself. He is getting so big! By the end we are usually a little messy but it's a little less mess every time.
Hulk-Logan on the other hand loves Fruit and Meat. Whether it's breakfast sandwiches, hamburgers, aligator (aka-steak) or this lovely meal, Logan wil let us know "thats ok I just want the meat, just the meat please!" Luckly he is a great fruit eater, at times he will have a apple in one hand and a banana in the other. When it comes to veggies broccolli, and spinage are his favorites. Crazy, I know!! Most likly 'cause we like to call them trees and say "Oh my gosh! your muscles are getting soo big, woah!"


Unknown said...

I'm glad to see you've got a family great picture to open your blog. Maddox sure is improving but all the noodles will give him a Poppy belly.
Hulk Logan, I like that, it makes a good fight or flight name. Just meat? Sounds just like Dad , just meat.

Otte, Party of Five said...

haha... yes, very messy. we always have to put caraline's hair in a ponytail if she's going to have pas-ketti! :)