Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Fest!!

Winter Fest is a super cute and fun play day that Logan's school puts on for the kids. It was so much fun, there were diffrent stations they went to and tons of cute games. By far Logan's favorite was the snow ball fight! He had a blast hitting me with the "snow balls" they were rolled up pairs of socks, so it didn't hurt! That big white circle in the first pic. is a snowball coming at me!

They had ice blocks to build igloos, Logan enjoyed knocking his down better. such a boy! :)

There were snowmen to throw your snow balls into, and snow men to dress, and another fav. was the snow cones, what a treat, we havent had one since the summer.

At one station you got to fish, Logan was all about it (he has the experience, as you saw in a previous blog.) He fished, caught it, cooked it, and ate it. ("well just pretend mom, it's not real" he told me)

We roasted marshmellows and CHILLED out in the igloo!

Logan learned to hop-scotch, he loved popping the extra large bubble wrap, and ice skated around the rink once wearing his shoe box skates. He really had so much fun!
And because I am such a lucky aunt I also got to go and be with Dylan durring his classes turn!
Dylan built a masterpiece!! We have really enjoyed the fun out of the sun at the Winter Fest!


chiara family said...

FUN!!! What a cute Idea. shesh though it is not winter anymore!!!
102 and rising. I miss ya Tacia, we need a girls night out!!!